Staff Jayde

Exercise Physiologist

Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Accredited Exercise Scientist

Exercise and Sport Science Australia Member

Jayde Thompson


In 2018 I graduated from Murdoch University with a degree in Exercise Physiology. I have been able to empower others to reach their goals, rehabilitate their bodies and improve their lifestyle.

Specialty Area

General Fitness


Weight Loss



I love to explore and travel. I keep an active lifestyle and encourage my friends to do the same. I enjoy cooking, eating, Pilates, rock climbing, hiking, and camping.


My most rewarding achievement has been graduating with a degree that inspires me to be a better version of myself, and also provides me with a passion for helping others.


Continually challenge and develop my skills as an Exercise Physiologist, to assist others, and to have a meaningful impact on their lifestyle and wellbeing. Keep doing the things I love and learning from life.